Why Are Women in New York City Different?

Have been putting this off but it’s pouring rain today so I’ll write this one up.

Women in NYC are different.

I have lived in ten different cities across three different countries, and gamed in a couple dozen more. If I could plot the sexual marketplaces of these cities on a 3D graph across a number of different axes, New York City would be an outlier all its own. People have drawn comparisons to Sydney, Melbourne, and London, but those cities really don’t even come close.

I imagine it must be tiring to read this in my blog, my field reports, and from other NYC gamers, but it really cannot be overstated.

It is truly impossible to understand without living and gaming here for an extended period of time, but this is my attempt to convey what I have learned.

Why do women in New York City behave differently than in other cities?

Human behavior has two causes: biology and culture.

The biology proponents will cry: but how can you say NYC women are different! Women are biologically equal!

This misses the point.

New York City does not change female biology on the individual level, rather there are two factors at play:

  • How culture causes a select group of women with certain biological and cultural traits to move here (selection bias)
  • The continued effect of New York City culture on this group of women after they move here

I have been keenly studying the culture of women in New York City for a year and a half, as basically a full-time job. These are my observations:

New York City Traits


The city, specifically Manhattan, has a large population and is the densest place in the developed world. There are people everywhere at very hour of the day and night. That means that women have nearly-unlimited options for guys. And even if they don’t, they think they do, because they see attractive guys everywhere they go. Manhattan guys may not be even the most attractive in the country… but women still see more way attractive guys than they do walking around in Houston or Miami!


Housing in Manhattan is the most expensive in the United States. The only women who can afford to live here tend to be of two archetypes:

  • Professional SMDs. Career-driven ball-busters with no time for sweetness.
  • Spoiled rich YNDs whose parents pay for their apartments. Generally were not blessed with available parents who taught them humility or good manners.

This leaves only a smaller minority of women in Manhattan who are suitable for anything other than a one-night-stand. It’s no surprise that the nicest girls come from the Outer Boroughs and beyond (e.g. Westchester, Jersey, and Long Island!)

Media stronghold

Over the last 20 years, the intense popularity of female-consumed media about New York City, specifically shows like Sex and the City, have turned the city into a parody of itself.

Year after year, batches of women move here after college looking to recreate the depraved “work hard, party hard” lifestyle they saw on television. They are attracted to New York City for what it represents, not what it is. These are the professional SMDs referenced above, and they represent an ever-growing majority of women in the city… especially because their 100K+ a year jobs make them the only ones able to actually move there!

Media brainwashing

Because NYC is a media stronghold, women consume media at a higher rate than other cities. They constantly follow the latest trends on Instagram, TikTok, and Netflix, and design their lives around them For guys that happen to fall into the archetypes touted by these media at the current moment… it’s auto-sex on steroids. Everyone else will be fighting an uphill battle.

Anonymous, ephemeral, low-trust

The large population and high density creates an ephemeral feeling and low social trust. There’s no motivation to treat the opposite sex right because there’s a feeling you may never see them again. And even if you do, there’s a general “mind yo’ business” culture in NYC that places value on looking the other way.


Women in New York are very status-driven. They feel that all eyes are on them, and they will be judged by their female friends and their tribe for every move they make, especially on social media.

Due to the ephemeral nature of relationships, they view men more as status symbols for their tribe than genuine romantic partners.


New York City is extremely multiracial. Queens, for example, is the most diverse place in the United States if you look at percentages of all four major ethnic groups (white, black, asian, latino).

This, combined with the extreme status-driven nature of the city creates a racial dynamic to the sexual marketplace that just doesn’t exist in other places. Many outer borough minorities view white men as a status symbol to ascend out of their position. We call them “white-pass” and they’ll base their entire life about consuming white content, media, and presenting themselves as part of the clean white tribe to be able to lock down their clean white guy.

Many of the same pairings are seen over and over:

Asians go for clean whites.
Latinas go for hard whites and k-pop Asians.
Blacks go for everybody.

Getting a nice guy with his own apartment in Manhattan is the goal, somewhere she can escape and have “Matrix sex” with her dude for the weekend before she has to go back to her shitbox in Zion… I mean… uh… one of the boroughs.

Even without an apartment, though, a guy here can be valuable just for his race, as it’s the only visible factor of status at a glance in this fast-paced city. It doesn’t matter if the guy is basically homeless crashing on his friend’s couch… his archetype and race are all that matter, because she can take photos of him and put them on her Instagram and her followers will be none the wiser.

The majority of women, though, draw on the tribal dynamics of human nature and date only within their own tribe. For example, a higher-status white woman from the West Village has so many former frat boys and finance bros to choose from, she never needs to get with anyone outside her tribe. If she did, she’d be judged by her girlfriends who closely track her every move. This isn’t so much the case in other cities where dating across class and archetypal guidelines is more accepted.

The tribal dynamic leads men who have a clear attractive archetype and a social circle to have an incredibly easy time finding partners, but leaves a very difficult time for the tribe and archetype-less.

Cultural Ramifications

Women treat men as either disposable or as a status symbol

Disposable men are either used to fulfill depraved sexual fantasies (the status of black men among white women has never been higher) or simply used for a one-night-stand and then discarded.

More suitable men are used as status symbols, or “keychains” for the girl to tote around so that the world can see that she managed to lock down this guy. Certain keychains are seen over and over on the streets: the clueless oofy doof white with the career-driven Asian woman, or the beta Asian man with the outer boroughs anime-loving Latina.

Retention is only possible if you’re a girl’s exact archetype

The judgment of a girl’s friends is so strong, and there are so many other options available, that the girl will only decide to commit to a guy if there is wide approval by her social circle. This means being of her exact archetype and tribe and, if needed, being high-status within that tribe.

Gone are the days of “women are the choosers before sex, and men are the choosers after”. Here, women are the choosers the whole way.

Women are masculine

Women in New York City are used to being the choosers, like they do in their oh-so-powerful day jobs where everything caters to them. They will try to control the frame, plan the date, and ask the questions.

If you’re a good-looking man, this works out great. This is the reason that feminine men do so well in NYC. They can just sit back and let the woman take the lead and make a keychain out of them.

But if you’re a masculine man, it’s going to be a fight. The only way to win against these types of women is by frame battling them until their essential biological femininity is revealed. Winning the frame often takes hours.

Women aren’t looking for material markers of status

In Miami, girls want a guy with a yacht, the best table at the club, and a mansion.

In NYC, everyone’s rich already, so material status markers don’t matter that much. A girl generally has to make $120K minimum just to breathe in Manhattan, so girls aren’t going to bat an eye at a guy making twice or even three times what she does. An expensive apartment is hard to show off as it looks the same from street-level, too. So unless you’re making several million a year, you’re probably not moving the needle in a way that’s going to affect your dating life.

It’s no surprise that the preferred markers of status here end up being unique, unchangeable and instantly-observable facts, like the color of one’s skin.

19 thoughts on “Why Are Women in New York City Different?

  1. Nice detailed breakdown. I think you’ve analyzed it pretty well.

    My take of what makes NYC different is that NYC is where girls go to experiment and have fun, but also to get a “high status guy”. Girls want to party and enjoy their youth while they’re there, but at the same time they’re holding out to see how good a guy they can get.

    If you can meet that standard (it differs by girl) NYC is a great place for game. If you can’t, you will struggle.


    1. The “it differs by girl” is key. A lot of guys show up thinking that they need to be balling out hard, making a bunch of money, to be “high status” here. What they don’t recognize is that status markers are quite a bit different in NYC as in other cities. I just updated the post with a new section at the bottom to explain this.


  2. Kevin

    Why don’t you bugger off then? It’s almost as if you revel in a bit of self-flagellation or derive some odd pleasure from plunging yourself into the icy, bitter, infuriating pool of humiliation, all while leaping through hoops to MAYBE get what you want. A short hop across the skies could utterly transform your situation. Honestly, I’m utterly baffled by your behavior–No idea what this masochistic behavior is even supposed to mean.

    When I moved to Germany, I was treated poorly from the beginning. You know what I did? ESCAPE!


  3. Q: Why Are Women in New York City Different?
    A: They’re not.

    This post is important, bcos is 1.) A test of how much you know women, and 2.) How gullible you are for garbage ideas.

    If you believe NYC girls are dif than “small town Iowa girls,” you would be right in some small ways, but not enough to make believing the idea helpful (it is a distracting idea, taking you away from what really matters). Good Game, on Iowa girls and NYC girls, will be shockingly similar.

    If you think NYC girls are somehow different than other “big city” girls, you have been drinking the same Dante-flavored Kool-Aid Pancake has been drinking.

    > a select group of women with certain biological and cultural traits to move here
    > effect of New York City culture on this group of women after they move here
    — Pancake

    I have argued this ridiculous BS with ‘Da Mouse, so many times. And one argument I like to make is:

    How long, exactly, after they move to NYC, does it take, for them to get, “particularly more difficult to Game.” How long? 1 year? 1 month? Is 1 day enough to make them “harder to Game?” Does a NYC rep meet them at their apartment and start coaching them on how to blow guys out? If they aren’t sufficiently “hard” enough, do they get sent back home??

    Let’s say she is 18 and moved to NYC as a college student? Exactly how long does it take to become this status whore? If she came to NYC to study lit, or public policy at NYU, she has some good friends, she studies a lot, she misses her mom… how long before she becomes this callous “impossible to charm” monster girl?

    If you want to know girls, compare PARTY GIRLS in a 2nd tier city to PARTY girls in NYC. Lots of similarities. You can learn “Party Girl Game.” But “it’s so impossible in NYC Game” is just superstition. Lawyer in NYC vs Lawyer in Houston – it’s gonna be remarkably similar. Study nerd vs Study nerd… similar (in some ways, but still not worth worrying about). Much more based on BEHAVIOR/PSYCH/”JOB” than “city”

    Geography-based theories may be the WORST way to try to understand women. I can’t think of any way to go about learning to understand Game than these kinds of theories. This is it. This is the bottom of the barrel.

    What if you had to teach all these girls to behave like Pancake imagines they do? It would be hard, it would be impossible. You can’t make a bunch of women all FEEL the same way. How would you “teach them” to fit this insane stereotype that Pancake thinks is going on? You couldn’t do, even if it was a goal. If the whole city was TRYING to make girls “more difficult” than any other major city… it would fail. You’d have a range of girls. With a range of motivations. Lots of easy sex (sluts move to cities too). Masculinity would still be part of the best Game… same as in London, or SF, or Phoenix, or Iowa… for FFS.

    This is hysterical to me, as in this post Pancake is trying to insist that most girls MOVE to NYC to pursue this ruthless, monotone dating strategy. But he and I have been down this path before, and previously he tried to say they were all FROM NYC:

    “Most girls in NYC are from here. If you found differently, it’s prob cuz you were gaming Asian FOBs in Times Square.”
    — Pancake

    He will play his superstition anyway he can.

    So most of them are “from NYC,” except for the other “most of them” that come to NYC to be this ruthless army of mega bitches that “don’t use phones.”

    Cities aren’t “harder.” There are more girls, so it’s easier to find girls that you’ll click with. Volume makes it easier – in every way. Yes, there are “high status guys.” But look at the girls you see with BFs in NYC (or any other big city). There is usually a SMV match. Hot/healthy? Her man is prob solid. But in every city (including NYC), you’ll see normal girls, dating normal guys. Even “using phones” to talk to each other. Even with BFs. Even if he doesn’t have a corner office.

    In every big city there is less of an instinct to marry (career, liberalism, blah). But Pancake is trying to get you think it’s harder to date/fuck in NYC than other big cities… that is his fetish idea.

    Take a girl that works in a bakery (do they have bakeries in NYC? I think they do.). Is she really harder to Game than a girl that ALSO works in a bakery that isn’t in NYC? Is she a crazy status whore… that works in a bakery? More than a similar girl that works in a bakery in LA? Or in Barcelona?

    There are smart ways to think about this… and “by city” (or race or country) is a really braindead way to see it. These theories are incredible popular; Pancake is not alone about geo-based theories… they all fail for the same reasons.

    Superstition. Terrible analysis. Embarrassing and distracting you from better ways of seeing girls, Game, and female psych.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. From my POV, this is an argument of semantics. Factors such as psychology are more important than location, but a location is able to draw people of certain psychologies (PM does mention the self selection bias). It’s a debate of the meme of NYC (the city itself and its effects as an idea in the human mind) versus its constituent factors.

      Of course this won’t describe every single girl in one location, but it can affect whether a place is easier or harder on average. As an example, us London guys can get hotter girls for the same effort in EE. They’re more feminine there, for example, amongst other factors, which makes it easier for the same amount of effort. But it would take ages to go through all the factors that make it easier there and so we use the meme (“it’s easier in EE for us”).

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Jim

      I agree. First, his data is not great. Looking at actual Census data for NYC, we see that only 31% of people are white, and 36% are foreign-born.

      According to Pancake, it’s just the white boys slaying it, so where does that leave the other 69% of men in NYC? Are they all incels?

      And then all these women in NYC who are supposedly full of attitude. Just like your analogy of the college girl who moves here at 18, how about all those foreign-born girls? Do they arrive that way, ready to ignore any guy that tries for them?

      The way Pancake writes it, one would think that no one in NYC is getting laid, because it’s just too hard. The abortion clinics are empty, and the pharmacies have oversupplies of zithromax because no one is getting chlamydia all because no one is having sex.

      But we know that’s not the case. Plenty of sex is being had in NYC, just not with Pancake.

      I was in NYC just last week, and stopped in a few local-type bars. People were friendly; no woman I talked to was a bitch at all. I’m not winning the next beauty contest, and I don’t spit game, I just talk and be friendly to whoever is sitting next to me in the bar. I hardly think my experience is unique.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Already explained once, this is the last time I’ll repeat myself: most men in New York City are getting social circle sex and/or archetype layups. I’m talking about cold approach here, and how the market is for men without an archetype.

        The strawman that only white men are getting laid is utterly false. Blacks are doing fantastic, possibly better than whites, Latinos and Asians are doing fine. Only Brown men face certain death.

        As I explained in the piece, every single girl that moves here is part of a select group of evil. Random foreign-born girls don’t just move to NYC. She’d have to be able to afford it, for one. And she probably grew up watching all the same shows the basic West Village whites did.

        As for your single-day experience in NYC, you’d have to live here long-term to appreciate this. I thought it was totally different, too, when all I did was visit for short stints.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Klondike

    I’m not in New York, but this post accurately accurately describes my female cousin who spent about 10 years in NYC.

    For reference, we’re Pakistani, and she’s always been physically homely… maybe a 3 or a 4 out of 10.

    She’d previously settled in San Francisco an IT nerd—regular job, couple friends, and so on. Her turning point was an obsession with Sex and the City reruns, which led to an obsession with fashion, which led to a deep and fervent desire to move to New York City and work somewhere between fashion and finance.

    She quit her job and moved to New York–barely worked, because her fantasy job didn’t exist, and lived off her parents–and spent about 10 years, all of her thirties, drinking, partying, social climbing, chasing white finance guys who f-zoned her. All the while she became bitchier, more jaded, crazier, more status-obsessed. Her obsession with white finance guys somehow also fed into vehement hatred for Pakistani men—including her own family members, including me, whom she bitched out for being “ghetto losers”.

    At age 40, she’s given up and moved back to SF. At this point she’s living out some kind of aggro-harpy-spinster-girlboss lifestyle.

    I’ve lived in SF, LA, Miami, and Chicago—each city draws certain women, socializes them in different ways, and socializes them to be attracted to particular archetypes of men. Pancake’s post here is a study of the sociology of NY women and it seems accurate in describing 1) what drew my cousin to NY 2) how NY shaped her 3) what kinds of men she obsessed over.

    If my cousin were to be approached by a swaggy Pakistani or Korean guy, one who she clocked as low-status, she’d be so offended as to call the cops on him. If she were approached by a clean-cut white finance guy wearing a coat and a briefcase, no game would be necessary—he feeds entirely into her self-concept, her personal history, her solipsism, how she sees herself and how she wants to be seen, and what she’s looking for.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for sharing this. I know so many women like this. It’s ALWAYS browns. Brown women are the most brainwashed trend-followers in Manhattan. If you aren’t clean white you have no chance. If you are… unlimited auto sex.


  5. xday2007@gmail.com

    Some of this rings true. Some of it not. Race doesn’t matter nearly as much as class, where you live, where you grew up, who your parents are, and where you went to school. High school even, not just just college haha. As a black native New Yorker with class privilege, I always clean up in NYC. Now LA is a different beast. I can do well there too, but my stock is clearly higher in NYC where I can pull in brunettes/blondes, “woke” Asians, bougie/professional black women, etc. All that to say a lot of this is relative. And one’s man playground is another man’s, well, not playground. A lot of life has been about learning (and accepting) to get in where you fit in and not worry about the rest.


  6. Dahmer

    I think you raise some pretty good points here. I agree location massively matters and you give som pretty good arguments for that.

    Here’s a meta-point to maybe consider. If I understand you correctly you are essentially saying that A) women in NYC are in general pretty damn unpleasant to be around and B) it’s really really hard to get laid from daytime cold-approach there.

    Still you state that you love it. Like you are more interested in finding a place where getting result is as hard as possible rather than actually getting laid with attractive pleasant women.

    If that’s your focus and goal, all fine, but my guess is that it will shine through when you approach women.
    They’ll feel that this guy is not there because he’s horny and wants to fuck the living daylights out of them, but rather to perfect some craft and get straight A’s. Like she’s a Rubik’s cube for you to solve and then pat yourself on the back if succeeding, rather than just wanting to tear her clothes apart and make her scream.


    1. Agree with you. Have considered this one for sure. Just like in any city, there are a ton of awesome, pleasant great girls that I enjoy gaming, so I tend to focus on those. And due to the law of attraction those are the ones I get the furthest with as well.

      For the others… I don’t think there’s a good solution, unfortunately. Just have to get better at faking it.


  7. Jason

    The wokeness, the weather and the general shit attitudes of the women make NYC a toxic dump. You’re living in a city on the decline.


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